Thursday, January 10, 2013

The End Of Our Christmas Vacation

Our time in Bakersfield, CA is always sweet and way to fast.  It seemed like we had just arrived that Christmas Day and now it was time to fly back home.  Being that Bakersfield is approximately 2 hours north of Los Angeles, Rich and I went down to LA on Thursday afternoon to stay at a hotel and be shuttled to the airport at "dark-thirty" the next morning instead of getting up at 1:30 in the morning and driving to LAX to catch the plane back to NC  We had a great time with all of our family out there.  We do not get to see them often enough at all and cherish the precious time we do have.
That evening, we had dinner with friends who live in Marina Del Rey along the beach.  Here is a picture of one of the yacht's parked in the harbor where our friends live.  No this is not our friends yacht or ours.  We do not know who's it is.  It just made for a great background for this picture of Rich and our friend Jack.

The view outside their apartment is gorgeous and so peaceful.  Just wanted to share it with you.
After dinner with our friends Jack and LeAnn, we happened to come across an accident that involved a pedestrian.  He was hit while riding his bike and it was a hit and run.  It happened in front of us and the person who hit the pedestrian took off in their car.  Yes a hit and run right in Los Angeles.  Well Jack was in the driver's seat so he put the pedal to the metal and we were able to follow the get away car, get the license plate number and make of car and call it into the police.  I was in my element solving a crime..  Here is a pic of us chasing the get away car.

 Of course, it isn't that good of a pic, but what can I say.  My camera gave it it's best shot while driving the streets of Long Beach, Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey or wherever we were.  I had no idea.

The best part of that whole evening, besides enjoying our friends, was that we went back to the crime scene.  Along with us were firemen, policemen, witnesses, and people just milling around.  After we talked to the police, we went over and was talking to the young man that got hit.  We asked him if we could pray with him and he said he would like that.  So standing on a curb down in the LA area, Rich, myself, Jack and LeAnn, the young man that got hit  and his two buddies all bowed our heads and Rich led us in prayer for this young man.  I know his name is Edwardo, but that is all I know.  He definitely got a bad headache from the incident and banged up some but thankfully he wasn't hurt bad.  What a mighty God we serve that no matter where we are He listens to our prayers.

Keep your eyes open for ministry if you serve the Lord.  He will provide it when you least expect it.

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